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Internal Connection Diagrams (Book)

  • Category: Engineering Reference Materials
  • Format: Paperback
  • Number of pages: 244
  • Size: 8.5" x 11"

Published August 2006, Revised September 2024

This invaluable publication provides diagrams for connecting three-phase AC windings. The book includes templates for 4-pole, skip-pole and 6-pole, and consequent-pole connections.

This edition of EASA Internal Connection Diagrams contains significantly more connections than the previous version (1982), as well as improved templates for drawing connection diagrams. It provides internal connection diagrams for three-phase windings. It can be used with either concentric or lap windings. It also covers all possible parallels; wye and delta, 2 - 48 poles; part windings; two-speed windings; wye-delta and consequent-pole connections, 2 - 48 poles. It includes PAM connections, as well as triple- and quadruple-rated connections.

In terms of the number of connections, this edition covers more poles than before. It also now contains some less-common connections. These include the European pole amplitude modulation (PAM) design; multi-torque ratings; and part-salient, part-consequent pole connections that permit pole/slot combinations that otherwise would be unattainable.

Although the “by-the-numbers” method of drawing connections remains basically unchanged in this edition, the winding connection templates have been greatly improved. New templates for skip-pole and adjacent-pole diagrams also have been added to simplify drawing these connections. The jumpers are shown in gray with different line patterns for each phase.

The book also includes templates for 2-pole through 30-pole, adjacent (1-4 jumpers) and skip pole (1-7) connections.

EASA members can download for FREE the latest version of Internal Connection Diagrams (©2006-2024) book in PDF form from our Resource Library.

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